Move with Me
Price: $10.00
A parent’s guide to movement development for babies who are visually impaired.
Parent Mentor Training Manual
Price: $50.00
Training parents of children with special needs to provide peer mentoring.
Pediatric Visual Diagnosis Fact Sheets
Price: $10.00
Fact sheets addressing commonly encountered eye conditions, diagnostic tests and materials.
Selecting a Program
Price: $0.00
Available FREE with every order. A guide for parents of infants and preschoolers with visual impairments.
Standing on My Own Two Feet
Price: $10.00
A step-by-step guide to designing and constructing simple, individually tailored adaptive mobility devices for preschool-age children who are visually impaired.
Starting Points
Price: $35.00
Instructional practices for young children whose multiple disabilities include visual impairment.
Talk to Me
Price: $10.00
A language guide for parents of children who are visually impaired.
Blind Children's Center
4120 Marathon Street | Los Angeles, CA 90029-3584
FAX 323.665.3828 | 323.664.2153
©2017 Blind Children's Center.
All rights reserved. Read our Privacy Policy.
4120 Marathon Street | Los Angeles, CA 90029-3584
FAX 323.665.3828 | 323.664.2153
©2017 Blind Children's Center.
All rights reserved. Read our Privacy Policy.