Starting Points

Price: $35.00

Starting Points

Instructional practices for young children whose multiple disabilities include visual impairment

Deborah Chen, Ph.D. & Jamie Dote-Kwan, Ph.D. ©1995

$35 Available in English only (157 pages)

From the introduction
The development of Starting Points: Instructional Practices for Young Children Whose Multiple Disabilities include Visual Impairment was guided by the following principles: Young children whose multiple disabilities include visual impairment have exceptional learning needs. Quality programs for these children provide systematic instruction within natural routines based on family priorities, values, and concerns; follow the child's lead and interest; use natural consequences and reinforcement to encourage learning; provide a team approach that promotes integration of objectives from various disciplines across daily activities; and encourage the child's active participation in home, school, and community activities.

The primary purpose of Starting Points is to provide basic information for the classroom teacher of young children (3 to 8 years of age) whose multiple disabilities include visual impairment. We recognize that these teachers may be trained in early childhood special education, severe disabilities, physical disabilities, visual impairments, or regular education. We also recognize that the population of young children with multiple disabilities is an extremely heterogeneous one. To meet this diversity, we have provided selected examples of children with diverse learning needs in a variety of educational settings.

Table of Contents

Who are Young Children whose Multiple Disabilities include Visual Impairment?
Guiding Principles for Instruction and Program Development
Essential Steps for Getting Started
Instructional Strategies
Understanding and Developing Communication
Teaching Daily Living Skills
Roles and Responsibilities of Selected Disciplines
Putting It All Together
The Itinerant Teacher as a Consultant
A Family's Perspective


Receive Selecting a Program FREE with every order. A guide for parents of infants and preschoolers with visual impairments.


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