Talk to Me II

Price: $10.00

Talk to Me II

A sequel to Talk to Me

Nancy Chernus-Mansfield, M.A., Dori Hayashi, M.A., Linda Kekelis, M.A. ©1985

$10 Available in English and Spanish (15 pages)

From the booklet
Language is an important means for getting acquainted and sharing experiences with any child, but for a totally blind child it is especially important. While every parent is pleased when a child says her first word, such an event takes on special significance when the child is blind.

Before sighted children begin to talk, they are able to communicate with us in a number of ways. They acknowledge our presence and express preferences with smiles. Their frowns reveal displeasure and blank stares tell us we are not understood. With just a smile or look our way, sighted children encourage us to talk to them. We talk about the people around them, describe events they are looking at, and show them how to do new tasks. Through language, we help children learn about themselves and the world.


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Talk to Me

Price: $10.00


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