Learning to Play

Price: $10.00

Learning to Play

Common concerns for the visually impaired preschool child

Susan L. Recchia, M.A. ©1987

$10 Available in English only (12 pages)

From the introduction...
Parents and professionals agree that play is an important and necessary part of children's development. Through play, children have the opportunity to learn and practice new skills at their own pace.

We have found that certain play situations seem to be especially difficult for children who do not see. In this booklet we will focus on three areas: exploring toys and materials, making transitions from one activity to another, and playing with other children. We will discuss why these areas sometimes pose problems for blind children and we will share some of the suggestions we've gathered over the years from parents and professionals.


Receive Selecting a Program FREE with every order. A guide for parents of infants and preschoolers with visual impairments.


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