
Price: $10.00


A Common Ground


Explores the concerns and roles fathers play in the early childhood development of their children with visual impairments

Paul Schmitt, L.C.S.W. & Fernanda Armenta-Schmitt, Ph.D. ©1999

$10 Available in English only (50 pages)

From the introduction...
The primary purpose of this booklet is to reach fathers of young children who are blind and visually impaired. We hope to emphasize how important these men are to their families and to increase awareness of the impact that fathers can have on the growth and adaptation of the family. The material in these pages is intended to decrease feelings of isolation, normalize the experience of parenting a child with special needs, and provide skills and resources to facilitate the coping process for fathers. This booklet includes information that covers many different aspects involved in parenting a blind or visually impaired child, and you may want to keep it around for reference at different points in time.

We hope to inspire you to celebrate and honor your own progress. Look at the growth you have made by acknowledging where you are now. Remember you are not alone. There are thousands of men taking the journey with you. Some will look to you for leadership and guidance, seeking your advice and warnings about the journey, others will want to lead the way and have you follow, and still others will simply wish to walk along side you as you each tread your own path. We wish you luck on your journey and all the magic of parenting that a child has the potential to bring to this world, if we allow it.

Table of Contents

The importance of father
The family context
Understanding your experiences
Common feelings shared by fathers
The couple
Men want to be heard & included
Parenting skills
Breaking new ground
About the authors

Receive Selecting a Program FREE with every order. A guide for parents of infants and preschoolers with visual impairments.


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